Leveling in Rift

Much of the fun of Rift is due to its flexible game design. Although, as with any other MMORPG, the game is focused on raising the level, Rift offers several different ways to achieve this goal. This allows players with very different interests to work together and have a lot of experience in the diverse and constantly bustling world of Rift. The following advice is not exhaustive; in fact, it’s just the beginning of scratching the surface. Use these pumping tips as a foundation to create your own unique experience in Rift!

Quests: The first and most obvious way to raise the level in Rift is quests. Like the usual MMORPG on the market, Rift offers players a number of missions or quests for which the player is rewarded. The quests vary in complexity, demand, and type, so some are more valuable than others. Distinguishing valuable quests and quests for filling places can be difficult, but as a rule, perform the quests that interest you the most. Fast pumping is great, but if you don’t like it, what’s the point? If you find a quest that interests you, do so. You don’t notice that it’s boring, and in the end, winning is just a cherry on a pleasant experience. Many guides will advise you to perform simple quests for quick learning; I’m just encouraging the opposite. Skip crazy quests and enjoy the game!

Faults: Without a doubt, the biggest attraction of Rift – apart from the obvious resemblance to another famous game, World of Warcraft – is the use of a unique system of casual encounters based on Rift. Rifts are tears in the world that open randomly and release random waves of creepy enemies. These faults are dynamic, inspiring and always exciting. It’s also a great way to get the experience! Faults can often be good for a full level increase at less than an hour of game time. Definitely worth it if you can call it the Rift!

PvP: The battles between the players in Rift are dynamic and exciting. Whether you choose to participate in the world of PvP, find and defeat players from all over the world in battles or join other players in war zones called fronts. Defeating an opponent-man can be very rewarding, and in addition, Rift gives you a small XP bonus. It really doesn’t hurt!

Reporter: I only add it because I know it’s going to work. I caution newcomers against this advice, as they are often mesealed by the prospect of a gaming experience they might get in a week if they now spend their time in a grueling, boring routine. My advice is to ignore the grind if you don’t find it satisfactory. MMORPG is not created to achieve the ultimate goal. They are designed to give you experience, and by trying to cope with this experience to a seemingly happier ending, you miss out some of the fun you can get along the way. Believe me, you have reached the maximum level. Maybe not tomorrow or the day after, but somewhere along the way will be. And you will thank me for telling you to slow down and enjoy the experience.

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