Magnificent Rift Valley And Lakes Of Kenya

The plague in Africa stretches for 6,430 km in length and 1520 meters deep. It stretches from Jordan to Mozambique and, if viewed from space, seems to be the most recognizable geographical place on Earth.

Intense volcanic eruptions

Geologists believe that this was the result of intense underground tectonic pressure, which in fact broke through the earth’s crust, lowering huge tracts of land between parallel fault lines. The rock was then washed to the surface as a result of a series of volcanic eruptions.

In fact, more than 40 million years ago, Africa began to disintegrate along these massive fault lines. Intermediate lands slid down, creating a unique look of the Rift Valley. This process, called riffing, is still ongoing with the steaming hot springs and the hissing of their holes.

These millions of years of tectonic and intense volcanic activity have essentially tore the Earth apart, dividing the Rift into two different branches. The largest and longest of them is the Eastern Rift, which divides Kenya from north to south with a series of fault lines that create a beautiful shape of this landscape.

Eastern Rift Valley in Kenya

In Kenya, this eastern fault has beautiful rocks, volcanic cones, lava flows and several lakes. This part of the fault is up to 100 km long and reaches its narrowest part north of Nairobi, where it is approximately 45 km.

The valley is the shallowest of Lake Turkana in the far north of Kenya, where there is little difference between the Great Crack and the adjacent desert.

Lakes of the Rift Valley of Kenya

To the south, the walls of the valley form extremely high rocks that rise to a height of 1800 meters, where Lake Naivasha is located. It is the highest lake in the Rift system. It is also one of the few freshwater lakes in the Rift Valley. South of Naivasha, the Rift descends 580 metres on the Tanzanian border.

Boiling, steaming geysers can be seen everywhere in the Great Crack. You will find them around many lakes dotted with elegant pink feathers of countless flamingos.

Lakes – Nakuru, Naivasha, Baringo and Bogoria.

On Lake Nakuru the climate and conditions are much easier, alkaline waters create an environment for special algae and small shrimp animals, so first of all these soda lakes attract flamingos. Lake Nakuru is one of the most beloved wildlife sanctuaries in the country, filled with rhinos and the highest predators.

Among the Lakes of The Rift Valley in Kenya, the easiest way to reach Naivasha and Nakoura. Along with Lake Baringo, this is a great trail that can be walked in a matter of days from Nairobi.

The eerie and hypnotic lake of Bogoria, with its territory covered with a fleet of flamingos and apocalyptic shores inhabited by hot springs and boiling geysers, is an easy trip from Baringo.

Lake Magadi is located south of the capital Nairobi, which is also very close to Lake Natron in Tanzania.

North Rift Valley and Lake Turkana

Lake Turkana in the far north of the country is also part of the Rift Valley system and is located in the heart of one of East Africa’s most inhospitable regions. It can only be described as a tormented desert landscape, which is constantly punished by extreme heat and very strong winds.

Explore the Great Rift Valley

It is best to use a four-wheel drive jeep with a driver (experienced local guide and driver). The Rift Valley and Lake Kenya can be visited as part of a tour from Nairobi.

Spend one or two nights on Lake Naivasha and Lake Nakuru and enjoy fun days on the remote islands of Lake Baringo. From there you can return to this beautiful landscape or return to Nairobi.

And if you can go to northern Kenya, visiting the city of Lodvar and spending a few nights at the Elaye Spring on Lake Turkana with its beautiful warm waters, you will forever say, “My heart is in Turkana.”

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